Library General Fund

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Support the Rockport Public Library by donating to the library’s General Fund. This fund does everything from buying the books to keeping the lights on and the internet running. We couldn’t do what we do without your generous support. We appreciate cash donations of any amount. All contributions to the Rockport Public Library are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by the law. Thank You!

Memorial Fund

If you would like to set up a Memorial Fund to support general or specific purchases, please contact Ben Blackmon, Library Director. 207-236-3642.

Financial Gift Opportunities

Boat model in the Marine Room
Gifts are tax deductible. As part of the Town of Rockport, the Rockport Public Library is a 501(c)(1) tax exempt organization. 

Gifts for Current Needs (These gifts are used until totally expended.) 

General gifts are added to the operating budget and help cover annual operating costs. Celebration and memorial gifts can be made in honor or in memory of a special person. Bookplates recognize the occasion of the gift.

Endowment Fund Gifts (Only earnings from these gifts are used.) 

Earnings from the Library's Endowment Fund support for Library operations and purchase of new materials. The Fund is overseen by the Library Committee. 

You can contribute to the Endowment Fund by: 

  • Making a monetary gift
  • Naming the Library in your will or as the beneficiary of an insurance policy
  • Giving securities or property

Your Endowment Fund gift can be undesignated or designated: 

Undesignated Gifts will be added to the Endowment Fund. Earnings will support library operations and purchase of new materials.